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I like to document experiences

share meaningful messages

About me 

I’m a video editor, creative and strategist. I aspire to be a creative director and a video journalist. I’m passionate in storytelling, documenting experiences and sharing meaningful messages. I have different media skills that enable me to produce content for different platforms. I love to communicate in video, words, graphic design and pictures. I can cover topics like people, culture, place, travel and food.


If you have a story to tell, an experience to share or a message to bring across to your audience, I can work with you to find ways to communicate with audiences.

Think i'm suitable for your organisation or project?



These are some of my latest works. 

I like to collaborate with others to create something great. Coming up with a creative concept, researching ideas really excites me and motivates me to make it a reality. Along the way, I am not afraid to learn new skills or knowledge to enhance the outcome. 

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